I've only ever known what it's like to have a transom mounted outboard. It looks crap, but works very well. Sure, you get the occasional cavitation when in steep chop coming over a bar, but other than that it's perfectly fine.
Once every two years I remove it, change the gear and engine oil, fuel filter and spark plugs. It's an 8hp Tohatsu 4 stroke. I can get in or out of Brisbane Water, or Lake Macquarie against the tide without a problem and I never have to clamber down in the bilges to do a service.
The biggest advantage of having an inboard, is when it's a small block mercruiser V8 that does 35 knots and gets from Akuna Bay to Peat's Bite in 30 minutes for a lazy long lunch on a sunny Sunday.....Had we used our own boat for that trip, we'd have had to stay overnight..... which is nice, unless you don't have overnight to stay.....
For those who are contemplating replacing a diesel with an outboard, it will be far cheaper to regularly maintain the diesel and make sure it's up to scratch. These small diesel engines are designed to work for many thousands of hours and will continue to do so, but only if you look after them.
Anyone who says "I can't afford to pay for a good service, top quality oil and filters" can't afford to own a boat.
Doesn't have anything to do with manliness either, it's all to do with making good with what you have and not trying to make a pigs ear out of a silk purse! (no, I didn't get it back to front.....)