I know these are baby steps compared to what some are doing. Recently completed a successful trip from Parsley Bay (Brooklyn) to Sydney and back. Stayed at CYC overnight on the Saturday. Nigh perfect sail back, but once on the home mooring my mate capsized the dinghy. Sorted things out, then i did not tie painter on properly and dinghy drifted away. Eventually everything was sorted out and there were bruises and bruised egos.
Now planning on sailing from Parsley Bay to Brisbane Waters (lunch at Gosford Sailing Club is one option). Crossing the sand bar will be our biggest challenge. I know some of you have knowledge of this area and request info and advice. Any suggestions where we can have lunch will be welcome (Might be good if we don't need a tender/jetty available). We have thought of getting our wives to drive up and meet us for lunch. Here again local knowledge will be useful.
Thanks in advance, John