Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:04 pm

Here is a blurry photo of Double Cross.

Double Cross broke her mooring, crashed into the Halvorsen - where this picture was taken whilst bouncing around in the storm.
Sorry for the blurry picture but the photographer (not me) could not stand up.
Waves higher than 1 metre.

Double Cross and Sea Lady joined at 5.30pm and were still entwined at 11.30pm.
By dawn they were apart.

This picture show Double Cross 'parked' on the sea wall at Parsley Bay... where the cars normally park.
Double Cross on rocks 21st April 2015.jpg
Double Cross.. the boat who crashed into Sea Lady
Double Cross on rocks 21st April 2015.jpg (23.38 KiB) Viewed 3988 times
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Troppo » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:50 pm

Wow, I think given the circumstances, Sea Lady got off lightly. At least you know where to go to get the wooden toe rail replaced. You got new ones not that long ago if I recall rightly.

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Phillip » Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:11 pm

Troppo said,

"The Top Hat forum only takes pictures up to 800 pixels wide."

Actually its 1024 pixels wide. :D :D

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A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Troppo » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:41 am

Phillip wrote:Troppo said,

"The Top Hat forum only takes pictures up to 800 pixels wide."

Actually its 1024 pixels wide. :D :D

At Pelican Bay, Great Sandy Strait.

Hmm, did it used to be only 800?

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:54 am

Current difficulty is that the quoted cost of repair is greater than what the insurance company has deemed the value of the hull.

Hull value $8,000
Quote for repair nearly $12,000

The thought of my beautiful SeaLady being a write off and loosing her is unacceptable.

Does anyone know of a boatyard where I can get Sea Lady up out of the water for about a month or so other than Fenwicks where I and others can work on her?
Fenwicks have deemed that my normal shipwright does not have the required tickets to work there. Even though he has done so many, many times in the past.


I remember reading something about a trailer and working on a Top Hat.

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby RodM » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:35 pm

I agree losing SeaLady is a totally unacceptable option. If you look on eBay under boats > yachts for sale there's an ad for a place in Woy Woy / Umina that offers long or short term handstand and 7 day access plus assistance options re crane n transport. Hopefully that's not the place you've already tried. Good luck,
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:48 pm

Thanks Rod.
Is that Andersons Boatshed? --

Edit: No it is purely a long term hard stand area. 5km from the water.
So the boat has to be lifted and driven to there using a boat transport company.

My original quote is from Fenwicks Marina and Andrew Botting (Shipwright).
Even the insurance assessor thinks there must be a better way.

So any more suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Shaun » Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:51 pm

I don't understand why you are claiming this on your insurance??
Shouldn't Double Cross's insurance being fully paying for the repairs, that's what Third Party Property Insurance is for, although im no expert.

Is your shipwright John available?
Cant he work from a dinghy to effect this repair. He's probably got a cordless grinder, most tradies have now.
Remove bowsprit, after taking heaps of measurements, take it to a metal fabricator for straightening/repair.
Do the rest of the repair on your mooring.

Surely not more than a weeks work(or even two), again im no expert.

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby storm petrel » Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:57 pm


Could the repair be carried out at a wharf? Perhaps just tying her up somewhere for a week for your shipwright to work on her would work. Better than trying to work on a mooring and a lot cheaper than putting her on the hard. One of the local marinas or someone with a private wharf might be able to help. (Bear has a slip - but not sure if he is still on the forum)


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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:42 am

John my shipwright is not working at present.
His wife has been diagnosed with cancer and is having chemo plus they are planning on travelling around Australia for the time they have left.
His boat and charter business is for sale and the house will also probably be sold.

I have asked another shipwright to look at it and the insurance assessor is also trying to find a way.
Noone wants to see Sea Lady vanish and be a write off for something this minor.

She does need to be slipped so a potential is to do what is essential on the hard stand and the rest in the water.

'Double Cross' Now there is a story. Owned by a woman who has not used it for at least 4 years.
She has phone blocked another boat owner who was also damaged. And now has a man answering her mobile and he denies any knowledge of her.
Her mooring has not been serviced and I do not think she has insurance of any type.

Matt, the owner of another boat that was damaged has put a claim into the small claims court this week.

She apparently has 'given away' Double Cross to someone else.

Any other suggestions welcome.

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