Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:56 am

During the storm overnight a boat in Parsley Bay - Brooklyn on the Hawkesbury River, "Double Cross" broke its mooring, crashed into a Halvorsen causing damage then got entangled in my beautiful "Sea Lady".

From reports the entanglement was at the bow. A friend overnighting on the Halvorsen could do nothing, nor could the Water Police.
Too dangerous.

Some time later by beloved "Sea Lady" and "Double Cross" parted company and as of writing this "Sea Lady" is still afloat.
Weather is too rough to approach to ascertain the level of damage.

"Double Cross" is gone.. somewhere.
As is a tinny.

If you know people with boats in Parsley Bay/ Brooklyn, I suggest you get them to check because there are at least 2 boats, a tinnie and "Double Cross" - a 25-30 foot sloop (From memory) are somewhere probably causing more destruction.
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:35 am


Double Cross is now parked on the breakwater as if it was a car.
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Troppo » Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:42 am


Hope Sea Lady is ok.

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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:11 pm

Sea Lady is still floating.
The damage is fixable with cash and hopefully my insurance company.

Her mast is still standing and she is completely dry in the cabin.
To the extent that the forward bilge has dry dust!!!!

THANK YOU!!! To John, my shipwright who did her refit 3 years ago.

Unable to sail her till repaired.

Will attempt to put up some photos on Sunday.
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby storm petrel » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:46 pm

Yes, it blew hard in Brisbane Waters as well. I only lost two solar panels and a external speaker cover from my new boat, but at least twenty other boat broke their moorings. Most of these were up in the Broadwater at Gosford, though a 42ft yacht went missing from Hardys Bay. There were a dozen cruisers and yachts on the rocks near where the railway runs past the broad water between Tasscott and Gosford. One of these was a new ($1.5M) cruiser that the owner had only bought 10 days before the storm. It is so far up the rocks that he has had to hire a huge crane and semi-trailer to salvage it. There were also a cruiser and a yacht out of the water on the grass near Blue Tongue stadium.

Oh well, back to chainsawing up the fallen trees in the backyard and researching solar panels.

Regards to all,

(Aruba- Phantom 32)
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby SeaLady » Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:28 pm

Would be very interested in your solar panel research findings.
Especially walk on.

Can anyone help me put up pictures?
I have exhausted my IT knowledge and still this site says my pictures are the wrong size.
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Re: Destructive Storm and warning of more damage Broken Bay

Postby Troppo » Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:10 pm

Di, I'll have a stab at this despite the fact I haven't discussed the problem with you to find out exactly what is going on and to give a proper answer, just call me lazy.

Open your file in the 'Paint' program [In 'My Computer', view list of files, right click on the one you want to open, select 'Open with' and then 'Paint'.] I am hoping you use Windows or this advice is useless to you : ).

There are two tabs at the top of the Paint page. 'Home' and 'View'. Make sure you are on the 'Home' page. You will see one of the options in the menu bar which runs along the top, the option 'Resize'.

Click on 'Resize'. A dialogue box opens up.
Click on 'Pixels'.
In the little box to the right of 'Horizontal' replace the number there with 800. The Top Hat forum only takes pictures up to 800 pixels wide.
Press the 'Tab' key and the next box will become highlighted but the number should have automatically changed when you tabbed as it is maintaining the aspect ratio. [The 'Maintain Aspect Ration' option is by default normally selected.]
Click 'okay'.

Now you have changed the size, I hope you can find the "Save as" option in the drop-down menu to the left of the 'Home' tab. Best to use 'Save as' since this will leave your original photo as unchanged.

Hope this works.

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Pictures of pretty and broken Sea Lady

Postby SeaLady » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:31 pm

Starboard side of Sea Lady - undamaged

Yay Photos are working
..Sea Lady pretty Starboard side.jpg
..Sea Lady pretty Starboard side.jpg (118.79 KiB) Viewed 5747 times
..Port side damaged.jpg
..Port side damaged.jpg (71.61 KiB) Viewed 5747 times
"Sea Lady"
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More damage pictures

Postby SeaLady » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:35 pm

More damage pictures

Even with all this damage she has not leaked a drop!!!!

Tough lady.
..Sea Lady foredeck.jpg
..Sea Lady foredeck.jpg (73.45 KiB) Viewed 5746 times
..Sea Lady Damaged Port side gaps.jpg
Gaps but still no leaks
..Sea Lady Damaged Port side gaps.jpg (66.08 KiB) Viewed 5746 times
..Sea Lady Cracked Bow.jpg
Cracked bow
..Sea Lady Cracked Bow.jpg (40.06 KiB) Viewed 5746 times
"Sea Lady"
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Sea Lady port side pre damage

Postby SeaLady » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:46 pm

My beautiful Sea Lady and me before the damage.
She will look like this again.
.....Diana and Sealady.jpg
Sea Lady port side pre damage
.....Diana and Sealady.jpg (103.25 KiB) Viewed 5742 times
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