by rob.lovelace » Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:33 am
well I'm glad to be done with that south west coast, we hit that at the totally wrong time. Now I'm a bit early for the east bound crossing of the southern coast as the SE are still the prevailing wind and the Highs are still traveling a bit to far south. Mid March should be good but I'll get to Albany before then and hopefully Esperance.
The Marina here at Augusta is a Dept. of Transport affair. There are several DOT marinas in WA and they are extremely expensive for what you get. This one is brand new, it has only one unisex shower available for use and now washing machines. Town is to far to walk and the mobile coverage is only one bar. Needless to say there is no other choice but to wait here as the river mouth is choked and I can't see them opening that up now. I may have to get the guitar out and start busking to pay my fees.
Sundowner is in pretty good shape. The sails are very dirty from all the red dust up north but I'm hoping the rain will give them a wash down in these southern lats. The 8hp yammy outboard was a few years old when I left and although she has pretty good compression is getting a bit tired, I'm thinking a 4 stroke is on the cards when I get some disposable income next. The running rigging has been on the boat since I bought her and is still in good enough condition to use but it isn't new anymore. My new paint job on the hull has a tea stain around the water line where bundaberg acid washed her after I told them not to, and I spilled some epoxy where I opened up the deck drain holes. I've replaced the stove burners as one was U/S (Tamar Marine Tas. got them for me) and that's about all.