Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby steve » Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:01 pm

My old CQR anchor had rusted badly so I had epoxied it to extend its life by a few years, but it had again rusted so it was time to replace it. All the magazine articles reviewing anchors indicated that the "new generation" anchors are much better than the older designs. I had been reasonably satisfied with my CQR but it had dragged a few times, once when a 180 degree wind shift occurred and another occasion when I anchored off a city beach. I was ashore and noticed my boat moving towards some moored boats. Fortunately I was able to get back on board in time. I found the cause to be a pair of jeans caught around the fluke of the anchor and preventing it digging in.

The "new generation" anchors apparently dig in more more quickly and reliably, and provide higher resistance to dragging. Unfortunately none of the "new generation" anchors of suitable weight will fit in the anchor well of a Mark 3. They are all too high and many are also too long. I wanted to keep the anchor in the well so that the bow roller is available for my mooring chain.

I narrowed my choice down to a 12 kg Kobra and a 11 kg Manson Supreme. Both had excellent magazine reviews. The Kobra is available on ebay for $170 and the Manson is more than twice that price. However I chose the Manson because it is shorter and because Rob Lovelace wrote so favourably about it on this site a few weeks ago.

The photo below shows the new and old anchors. They are the same weight but the new anchor has much larger area so should have better resistance to dragging.
CQR v. Manson supreme.jpg
CQR v. Manson supreme.jpg (151.62 KiB) Viewed 4209 times

After I bought the Manson I found it to be longer than indicated on the Manson website. It fits in the length of the anchor well but with only 1 cm to spare.

To accommodate its height, I cut a hole in the bottom of the anchor well and fitted a plywood and epoxy box to the underside of the well. This is similar to what Troppo did when fitting his electric winch, but the box is much smaller and localised.

The photo below shows the plywood and epoxy box before it was fitted.
Plywood box before fitting.jpg
Plywood box before fitting.jpg (149.82 KiB) Viewed 4209 times

The photo below shows the hole cut in the bottom of the anchor well with the plywood box fitted below it.
Plywood box in position in anchor well.jpg
Plywood box in position in anchor well.jpg (124.85 KiB) Viewed 4209 times

At present the box is only bolted and sealed to the underside of the well. I will probably epoxy and glass the joint when I have access to mains power so I can grind the rough edges of the cut fibreglass to line up exactly with the plywood sides.
The photos below shows the anchor fitted in the well.
Manson Supreme in well.jpg
Manson Supreme in well.jpg (116.68 KiB) Viewed 4209 times

It seems a relatively straightforward job for anyone who wants to put their Manson Supreme in the well.

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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby rob.lovelace » Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:20 pm

thanks Steve, I'll be doing something similar when I get home. How Are you finding the Manson?
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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby Troppo » Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:29 pm

That's a great idea and neatly done. I reckon certainly worth the effort to make the room for the anchor. Your security when anchored will be much higher now due to the better type of anchor.

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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby steve » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:31 pm


I cant report on how well the anchor works as it is too new and shiny to go in the water.

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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby KJD13 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:58 pm

I have also purchased a Manson Supreme for my Mk111 Toppie and would be interested in getting the dimensions of your plywood extension - it certainly looks a better solution than leaving the new anchor on the second roller.
Wayward Lady, Mk111
Williamstown, Vic
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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby steve » Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:26 pm


I am attaching a sketch showing the dimensions of the cut-out (kite shape) in the anchor well. Also indicated are the depths of the plywood extension. If I was making mine again I would make the plywood extension kite shaped to match the cut-out.
Anchor well cut-out for Manson Supreme.jpg
Anchor well cut-out for Manson Supreme.jpg (12.64 KiB) Viewed 4040 times

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Re: Fitting a Manson Supreme in the anchor well

Postby KJD13 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:57 pm

Thanks Steve, much appreciated.
Wayward Lady, Mk3
Williamstown, Vic
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