So, I've just listed Pelagian on EBay. Reason being I took pity on a motorless Albin Vega which was on the Pile moorings in Brisbane river. She'd just sailed out from Sweden - well, over two years, and the motor had died coming up the Brisbane river. I think the owner's enthusiasm for sailing further died with the diesel, and at a guess they were down on cash. Well, I had a Yanmar 1GM10 sitting in the garage doing nothing, so my next move was a no-brainer...
- Warskavi Brisbane 8x6.jpg (41.89 KiB) Viewed 4143 times
The motor's in, Boat's got Australian ID, rego and insurance and is settled into Manly Marina, but there's a lot of work to do, which is part of the reason I got it... She's almost able to be mistaken for a Top Hat so I don't plan to jump ship from the Forum...
- Warskavi marina 8x6.jpg (42.84 KiB) Viewed 4143 times
Meanwhile there's a good Top Hat for sale...
Cheers, Rod2