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Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:37 pm
by Rod
I have gone through two wind indicators set at top of mast now due to birds wanting somewhere to land and breaking them. I am getting a bit long in the tooth to be going up the mast and was wondering what success others have had with other wind indicators, especially with the censors not mounted on top of mast. Another consideration of mine is to keep the outside of boat looking a bit bare so hopefully the thieves choose to go elswewhere with better pickings. For this reason I have a good quality handheld UHF, handheld chartplotter and ipad with software, o/b kept inside boat when not in use. I have heard that there is an ipad application that actually measures wind over the microphone somehow and transfers the data to a wind indicator type screen.

I also have a SS framework for a dodger, but no canvas attached. I am going to get it made up soon and would like to hear from others, with photos please, on the good and bad points of their particular dodgers.

Re: Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:30 am
by Shaun
Gday Rod,
For value & ease I reckon you cant go past pieces of wool tied to the shrouds! Tie them on just above head height, accurate & the surprisingly last a long time, years infact. Because I don't have any shrouds now I just use the TH burgee as an indicator on a flagstaff on the pushpit. And look at the wind on the water.

Re: Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:11 pm
by storm petrel
I prefer a piece of light ribbon tied to the shrouds a little below head height so I don't have to look up too high. I also find the wind on the face works well. Have not felt the need for electronic wind instruments on my Top Hat yet.

Re: Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:23 am
by Topi
We went through 3 Windex indicators, a flock of Cockatoos cross the bay daily and like to rest on the occasional mast top. One day we went out to the boat and while there a cheaky bird sat up there on the stub of the windex (already broken) Spinning around and teasing us with a squawk every now and them.

I was determined to resolve this without buying another windex, they are just too weak. Then on eBay someone had the answer "Windway" a folded aluminum indicator, same size as the windex. They had a new unit plus one spare vane. It is a good design, though I though a little extra reinforcing might be in order as some pelicans have stopped on some mast tops a year ago. So I lashed on a plastic chop stick for added measure. If you wanted a high tech solution then an offcut of carbon fishing rod would probably be even better.

Windway indicators are Danish made.

Re: Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:06 pm
by SeaLady
Cassette tape.
Very light weight.
Readily available.
Does not change weight or rot if it gets wet.
Easily replaced.
Easily stored as it comes in it's original plastic case.

I find that classical music works best.
Heavy metal music tends to upset my Sea Lady's temperament.

Re: Which Wind Indicator

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:25 pm
by Phillip
With SEAKA's mast down and having to rebuild the masthead, thought I might put up a wind vane while I'm at it.

Having read all those comments and had a rethink, I'm going back to the Top Hat Burgee and maybe a bit of tape, Beatles I think! :lol:

By the way, Top Hat Burgees are still available, not many left now, so hurry if you want one or two.

PS. They are only good for about 2,500 nm!