From: longdeepthinker (Original Message) Sent: 13/04/2006 7:45 PM
Hello Cyril,
Wondering what is the minimum and maximum range on your plotter. Not clear from the Garmin web site.
Interesting track log download.
Recommend Message 2 of 2 in Discussion
From: BigLofty4 Sent: 14/04/2006 3:47 AM
Hello John,
I presume that by range you mean the level of detail or zoom in/zoom out capabilities of the unit. You can zoom out until you are looking at all of Australia and most of the Pacific - 1500 nautical miles above the earth You can zoom in until you are looking at very fine detail - 20 metres above the surface of earth or sea. It is really very good. Even at 1500nm, your track points show up as a little yellow dot on the map! The Zoom level of the track plot I have posted in the pictures section is 0.2 nautical miles. I hope this answers your question.