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pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:13 am
by Deepsouth42
Next week I am going to pull the engine out for an overhaul.

I am assuming that a bit of grunting and swearing will be required but am wondering if there is any items I should have on hand

I suppose a few bits of 2x4 to slide the engine forward would be required and a bit of creativity with the rigging also handy.

Has anyone got suggestions for what tools and extras to have on hand as well as any pitfalls?

Thanks in advance


Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:04 pm
by bearmcnally
Hi Tom

Egret II's BMW D6 (BEINTROUBLE) has been in and out 3 times now and her Arona 8 about the same .Once to do the stern gland and change the prop next was totally out for gearbox and internal problems when the dear old Arona blew all her oil out the exhaust .It now lives in the garage The BMW for a rebuild and old age issues ,It's in the boat now.

All I used was a socket set some ring spanners etc Disconnect the tail shaft ,controls and fuel lines make sure you tape up all fuel lines etc etc to stop dirt etc Make sure the engine water cock is turned off or your bilge pump works. :) I'm sure your not the Village idiot ? But if it's connected to your Top Hat you need to disconnect it !


I used a 2 metre plus x 75 x 50 ,a dam 3x2 hardwood timber and a block of wood as fulcrum ,and when the engine was unbolted from the beds I stood on the 3x2 which was under the sump and that lifted it up and free of the bolts etc .Then all I did was while still standing on the 3x2 I slid the motor forward onto the floor.The Arona weighed about 90kg and the BMW weighs 68 kg .Then I used a length of timber or pipe or similar to tie the motor to so the motor can be lifted out of the cabin .The longer the better because you can stick one end up into the cockpit for a mate to hang onto and you at the other end .If your lucky and have 2 mates put him on the other end .then all they have to do is walk it off .

I guess your motor wouldn't weigh much more than my old Arona 8 ?

Hope this helps
Cheers Bear

PS Use hardwood it's stronger than pine etc

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:34 am
by Deepsouth42
Your advice and encouragement are most appreciated.

Funny you should mention being ready with a bilge pump-It's also US at the moment.

I do have a bucket.

I am not sure of what',a dam 3x2 hardwood timber' means

Just to be clear about your sequence;

1) Disconnect everything
2)poke a bit of wood under the sump
3) like a fat kid on a playground seesaw lift the skinny kid up
4)slide skinny kid (engine) towards you onto cabin floor
5)Get some slaves on each end of a pole tie the engine in the middle and lift out.

Thanks again-I'll post pictures as I attempt to put this simple sounding solution to the test,

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:05 am
by surrealbass
Hi Tom,, I will back up Bears advice there as i pulled the Arona out of Joylee exactly the same way the other week. if you want to lighten the load a bit since you are overhauling you could pull as many accessory items off as possible before removing the donk(also helps to avoid breaking things if you get rough or drop it on the ground inadvertently) I think the dam timber he was referring to was out of a dam deep enough to reach to hell(damn) :twisted: :lol:

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:58 pm
by john lewis
Hi Mate:
While you have the engine out, clean all the grunge from the bildge, and put a outboard in the well :lol: :lol: half the weight, no smell of diesal, and plenty of storage :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:06 pm
by patrol1064
hi mate.pulled my yanmar out few months back.the hardest part was the mounts,you need a dislocated arm to get to the back 1.i actually lifted it out buy myself into the cockpit they are not that heavy just akward.the mounts were seriously rusted and just broke when loosening is not a hard job just akward......cheers

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:17 pm
by bearmcnally
Dear John

Why do you think we keep a diesel in that space ? because there is no space under there ! :D

Cheers Bear

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:51 pm
by Deepsouth42
Thanks for all the advice...I will advise of the relationship between reality and the intentions.

Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:42 pm
by Deepsouth42
It worked

The use of a lever under the engine (I had a bit of SHS steel) was an invaluable bit of advice. It enabled me to lift a little then take up the slack on the halyard and a block/tackle on the boom.

By careful use of the three ways of putting upward pressure on the engine I was able to ease it out and then swing it over onto a trolley.

The dismantling revealed significant blockage in the raw water galleries in the head and some serious issues with the exhaust port...

Anyway it is easy to work on an engine at eye level in the comfort of a well lit shed...

Now for stage two

Thanks to all for the advice.


Re: pulling the GM10 from a Mk1

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:34 pm
by Deepsouth42