Perhaps you are all aware of the article on sailnet forum regarding use of butyl mastic on a roll, used to seal deck fittings. If you have not seen the article (well written with photos), suggest you have a look. I think I typed in butyl mastic. The author is adamant that one must use the correct product (gray). Black will also cause staining. There is also a link to the mastic the author uses (only available in USA). Does anyone know of a similair product that is available locally? Points I took onboard are firstly to chamer the holes, secondly the difficulty of fully removing silicone (so avoid silicone if possible)and thirdly the long shelf-life of butyl mastic.
Important not to confuse the mastic on a roll with butyl tape. Also important not to seal from below deck (traps moisture (bad for S/S and makes finding leak more difficult, if there is one. Night Cap is pretty dry except for cockpit hatch leaking (no seal on it) and small leaks on forward hatch. Will attend to these shortly and later will need to replace safety lines and refit staunchions (Shaun, please let me know what you think). So thoughts on butyl mastic welcome and any suggestions on safety lines also very welcome.