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Forward Hatch Seal
Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:02 pm
by Denis Smith
Hi All
Anyone know where I can get a complete Forward Hatch Seal for a MkII?
The current seal looks like it is the original (40 years old) and is leaking.
Re: Forward Hatch Seal
Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:26 pm
by storm petrel
Hi Denis,
I just used some soft hollow rubber tubing with a rectangular cross section that I bought from Clark Rubber. I glued it on a couple of years ago and even with heavy seas regularly breaking over the foredeck the hatch has remained watertight. I initially used some hatch sealing rubber tape from Bias but it was too soft and soon tore when my crew were going in and out of the hatch.
Re: Forward Hatch Seal
Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:31 am
by Dolphin
Hi Dennis,
I used dust sealing tape that you can get from caravanning stores. It is self adhesive and I glued it to the hatch cover. Where the original seal is, its prone to damage getting in and out of the hatch. I have it on for many years and it conforms to the shape of hatch well. Its about 13mm thick 25mm wide and comes in a large roll. Clark rubber may have it too.
Re: Forward Hatch Seal
Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:27 pm
by Dolphin
G'Day Dennis,
here is a photo of the forward hatch seal on Felicite using the dust sealing tape. AS you can see it conforms to the shape of the hatch pretty well. This was put on in the early nineties and probably needs to be done again as it is prone to creep around corners. It would be better to cut it and butt but that may produce a gap that can leak.
I hope that helps.
Re: Forward Hatch Seal
Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:24 pm
by Shaun
I have been happy(so good) with the "Neoprene" self adhesive on one side, that I got from Clarks rubber, I explained what I was going to use it for & wanted the best quality & that is what was recommended by the staff.
I bought the 48mm wide & cut it into 3 strips about 15mm wide, it goes around corners really well,(I didnt think it would go around corners but after removing the paper tape fro the adhesive side & put in place it easily went around corners & didnt feel like it would creep or move over time.
I went with the 6mm thick, but prbably should have gone for the 4.5mm or even the 3mm thick.
Did the front hatch(which is not the standard TH hatch), & the cockpit lazerette lid.