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'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:18 am
by Lord Chunderguts
Hello chaps, I have to buy a tiller because some bounder swiped mine before I bought the boat, and the previous owner replaced it with a fence post. Bunnings sells two different mattock handles, in 800 or 900mm lengths. I prefer the shorter one, it looks more nautical, does anyone know the length of a TH tiller? Thank you, -Will

Re: 'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:14 pm
by Lord Chunderguts
I've replaced the tiller as stated, it cost $24.95 to get a pick handle from Bunnings. Note the air of casual elegance and sophistication it brings to the cockpit of the Top Hat. Would you believe that some chaps spend over $200 on a tiller? Pshaw! It's akin to paying for a water filter; I make do with my used underwear, and the taste is not nearly so bad as others say, apart from the occasional chewy bit. Anyway: behold my new tiller in all its magnificence...
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Re: 'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:02 pm
by Phillip

You have set that up wrong!
The long diameter of that handle at the end where you hang on should be horizontal not vertical.
Lot easier to hang onto for a few hours.

Re: 'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:22 pm
by Lord Chunderguts
Hello old fruit, I tried to reply, but unable to post due to weird Incorrect string value mysql4 message, shall try now

Re: 'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:29 pm
by Phillip
Did a measure today and I found the total length of the timber tiller is 90cm.


Re: 'ow long's yer tiller?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:44 pm
by Lord Chunderguts
Thank you Phillip, appreciate it.