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BOG ??

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:20 am
Hi Guys / Gals ,

What is the best product available for filling scrapes on hull , as far as filling , and sanding while being moored . Work will involve port / starboard sides . Currently about to undertake work on bringing hull back to great form ?


Re: BOG ??

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:05 am
by Troppo
I dunno about 'best' but I use Botecote epoxy with their lightweight sanding filler powder or I use their epoxy with that white powder Q-cell.

I usually paint on some straight epoxy then when it has gone off a bit I put on the epoxy filler mix. The darn filler mix can still slump even when it seems thick enough so even if I make it really thick I know it will stick to the first layer of pure epoxy. That's what I do anyway.

I have found the longer it is left the harder it is to sand. The epoxy with lightweight sanding filler is easy enough to sand but even that with sanding it a week after it sets it is harder than sanding it a day after. If I have to hand sand, I way prefer to sand wet (wet 'n dry sandpaper) as the paper keeps cutting for ages and doesn't clog as quick as going dry.


Re: BOG ??

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:00 pm
by Phillip

I used polyester flowcoat on my scratches.
Trick is to match the existing colour of the original gelcoat.
Used wet & dry to finish off.