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F9.9AE Longshaft

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:41 pm
by Aaron
G'day Hatters,

Yesterday I just purchased a second hand Yamaha High Thrust 9.9 Long shaft 4 stroke off Gumtree. It has had a pretty easy life just pushing a tiny around every now an again, as far as i was told. Seems to be reliable but there isn't a great deal of information out there about them. Does anyone have any information on this model?
It seems to be great ive ran it in a oto bin and it seems to very quite and the Prop!! I think it came of a tug boat! and the water pump pushes very hard!


The motoring Dawn Breaker :D

Re: F9.9AE Longshaft

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:19 pm
by Ianb
Sounds just the ticket, but does it fit in the well?

Re: F9.9AE Longshaft

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:31 am
by dutyfirst00
I have just been through this exercise trying to put a yamaha 9.9 in a mk3 you will have to modify the engine well and engine mount. I did'nt go ahead but I am going to try and do all the mods over winter so by summer I will have the 9.9 in my mk3. give me a call and between the 2 of us we will succeed.