Painting the hull

Painting the hull

Postby Bruce » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:28 am

Thinking about painting the hull when I antifoul shortly. As you can see from the photo it has previously been painted and it's a mess.

Not exactly sure what I am getting myself in for here, but was just wondering if anyone has an opinion on whether this will need to be stripped bare and primed/undercoated/topcoated, of if I might get away with a sand, undercoat and topcoat?

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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Troppo » Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:28 am

Ahh, that almost looks like my boat. When I put Windchaser on the slip and waterblasted, the paint above the antifoul started flaking off. Another job on the list. The critical issue is making a solid 'grippy' foundation to put the paint on. It won't have to be stripped right back if a bit of sanding gives you that foundation.

However, if the paint underneath is house paint or something and you want to put two pack on, then the old paint will have to be removed completely. The two pack paint does not stick well to single pack so to get that solid grippy foundation, the single pack stuff has to all come off.

Again, if you start to sand and find you have to go back to gelcoat to find a stable layer, then there's gunna be a lot of stripping to do.

It all depends on what you need to do to get that foundation ready for the paint.
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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Bruce » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:22 pm

Thanks Troppo. That's my barrage of posts over for now!

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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Bruce » Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:14 pm

It can be done. Antifouled and repainted the hull above the waterline last weekend. 3 days, 3-4 people. Reasonable job for first attempt. Ran out of time and will need finishing off another time.

Looks great if you don't get closer than about 2-3 metres!

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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Killick69 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:32 pm

Looks good man. I like the blue and white.
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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Dolphin » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:36 am

What paint did you use?
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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Bruce » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:01 am


Single pack International Pre-Kote for the primer/undercoat and International Toplac for the top coat. I think it had a two pack paint on it previously which was very difficult to sand back.There are fors and againsts for both sorts of paint obviously. I figured if I messed it up, it would be easier to fix with single pack paint. Used Micron Extra for the antifoul and Primocon to spot prime underneath.

At the marina I used (Fenwicks in Brooklyn) there is a restriction on power toools after 1pm on Saturday so unfortunately I was unable to sand the hull as well as I would have liked, both before and after the two undercoats. There are a few brush marks and other blemishes showing through here and there (rolled on and tipped off with a brush) and it has only had one top coat.

Still looks a million dollars compared to how it was.

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Re: Painting the hull

Postby Troppo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:10 am

Lovely paint job, Bruce. In the pic I can't see any brush strokes so they can't be too bad : ). When ya on the water if another boat comes close enough so they can see the brushstrokes they are way too close!
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Re: Painting the hull

Postby storm petrel » Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:00 pm

Looks good, but I think I will stick to 2pack below the water line and just leave my oxidized gelcoat topsides. I worry that once the topsides are painted you are committed to recoating adinfinitum.

Anyway nice job!
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