by bornfreee » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:01 pm
Really depends if you are living on your boat or just using it for day sailing, nothing beats heavy chain and plenty of it, until you have rode out 7okt of wind with fetch to match it, pitch black, lighting all around and a lee shore not far away,it is easy to under estimate the anxiety of being on a boat with under rated anchoring gear.
Trouble is anchor and chain take up considerable room and weighs more than most of us are prepared to have on our small boat, if i had to pick between an engine or good chain and anchor , the chain and anchor would win hands down the Manson Supreme in articles on the net wins hands down over the Sarca, 30ft of chain would be the minimum with 12mm nylon rope and tested shackles to match and really really good chafe protection best of both worlds good holding and easier to recover, and best of all it will fit in that little anchor well that ever one wants to use, but you better have at least one more system made up and ready to deploy preferably with a Fortress light weight super super high holding anchor sitting on the rail at the back because one day you are going to need it.
I carry three anchor systems main one is a Manson plough 45lb with 80 m of chain guess what i have never drifted on this anchor, so far have never used the 80m but what a peace of mind it has given me laying in the bunk with all hell breaking loose out side, the second is a 20lb plough on thirty ft of chain and rope the lunch pick so to speak, then in the bilge is a last resort storm anchor 65lb, 3 piece fisher man anchor made by Swarbrick Brothers of S&S 34 fame a fantastic made anchor each piece weighs around 10 kilo so it can be brought up on the deck put together then deployed on 100m of 14mm nylon something i hate even thinking about what a nightmare in conditions needing it, the bottom line on anchors is the more weight you have on the bottom the more chance of it doing its job. You may think that's over kill, i call it good seaman ship i would rather listen to Hal Roth of 50,000 sea mile fame and Lin & Larry Pardey who have been there and done that then to want to bee"s on the internet