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Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:09 pm
by Troppo
Started work on fixing the bilge. I measured how deep the bilge was and how far my arm could reach down through the inspection hatch in the cabin. If the cabin floor comes off I can reach far enough to do some work.

So, out comes the floor. I chiseled around the edges then used a jigsaw across the back.

bilge7.jpg (442.77 KiB) Viewed 3717 times

That's better, look at that access! I can just reach the bottom by hanging over that board. Funny how when there is a lot of pressure on ya stomach like that and ya hanging down, ya food feels like it is being squeezed up out of ya stomach and it's hard to breath.

bilge6.jpg (507.19 KiB) Viewed 3717 times

This is how the bilge looked the other day.

bilge4.jpg (561.36 KiB) Viewed 3717 times

To me, it looked like an old repair gone bad. When I started exploring what was there by chipping away with a chisel, I found there are several layers. The top grey layer of epoxy is quite thin. Then there is a layer of light yellow epoxy some of it with fibreglass embedded. Underneath is some kind of black crap. I don't know if it is simply bilge grunge that was epoxied over or bad fibreglassing that has somehow crumbled with salt water like osmosis stuff goes black. The layers in some places are about 15 mm thick.

bilge5.jpg (542.78 KiB) Viewed 3717 times

I don't want to chip any more of that section out as it is the area that is right on the slip trolley bearer and the side wall is bulging out and cracked. I'll have to get the boat moved on the trolly.

I was looking at how I could strengthen the walls of the keel where the bilge is because it is flexing and cracking. Also, a bit of a drip somewhere but hidden under the bearer. Now I see that there has been a problem before but not repaired properly. I want to get the surface back to something solid any new epoxy and fibreglass will have something to hold on to. Seems like a got a way to go yet.

crack1.jpg (315.27 KiB) Viewed 3717 times

One of the club experts has looked at the outside of the keel at the cracks and says it should not be too much drama to fix. That was before I discovered the old 'fix' inside. However, the same principle applies, get a strong foundation and re-epoxy.

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:59 pm
by Dolphin
G'Day Louis,
In an earlier post about blisters in Felicite in June there is a grey layer under the glass. I think its the end of the glass like an undercoat for it. Is that what you're looking at?
My bilge (MK3) only goes half way to the bottom of the boat. Bears MK1 goes all the way to the bottom ?? :o
See ;


Hope it helps.

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:11 pm
by Troppo
Hi Greg, I am not sure exactly what I am looking at. I think most of it has been added sometime after Windchaser was built. Interestingly, I have not noticed any osmosis on the outside. Been a few dings repaired or maybe old osmosis but no current osmosis.

When I am finished, the bilge will go about 3/4 of the way down. That is half way between a Mark I and a Mark III : ).


Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:38 pm
by bornfreee
STOP STOP STOP Louis that stuff you are taking out is the capping to cover the ballast leave it alone, go back outside and lightly grind back the crack until the bog is gone and have a look at the damage that might be under it then clean it up and re glass it

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:15 pm
by Phillip
Ahhhh Bill,

You are right on there.

Remember the Formit Top Hats have MORE ballast than the Baker builds.

I had always wondered if they used the water tank area for the extra ballast and as Formit had lowered the floors on the Mk 2 a wee bit and lowered the floor on the Mk 3 even more, I had no way of determining if the reduced water capacity was just the lowered floors [or] plus the ballast.

I had never clicked that the MK 2 & 3 bilges were of different depths to the Mk1's even though I had peered into a few of them!

So that’s where the extra ballast is, good one Bill.

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:16 pm
by Troppo
bornfreee wrote:STOP STOP STOP Louis that stuff you are taking out is the capping to cover the ballast leave it alone, go back outside and lightly grind back the crack until the bog is gone and have a look at the damage that might be under it then clean it up and re glass it

Hmmm, no ballast under that stuff unless it's only about 15 mm thick under the cracked stuff on top. The bilge here goes all the way to the bottom. However, there is a leak in it as any water I put into the bilge is dripping through. If it was solid and not cracked up I would just grind it to give a good keyed surface then coat with epoxy and fibreglass to get it smooth.

From the inside I can see that the outside cracks do not go all the way through the fibreglass, so that is good. It is from sitting on the bearer and flexing. I will strenghten the bottom and sides so the leak in the bottom is sealed and strong and the sides have more support.

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:56 am
by bornfreee
Well Louis its your boat you do what you want but from what i can see in those photos it dosnt look any different to the bottom of the bilge on any of the top hats i have owned

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:32 am
by Troppo
bornfreee wrote:Well Louis its your boat you do what you want but from what i can see in those photos it dosnt look any different to the bottom of the bilge on any of the top hats i have owned

Ok, that's interesting. I appreciate your concern.

When I look at it and see what appears to be cracks and that broken edge which has been pushed up from underneath I think it is a problem. My last boat wasn't like this.

I am proceeding with caution. The jackhammer and oxy cutter arrive today. : )

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:55 am
by bornfreee
From memory i can think of at least two of my top hats had that same finish in the bilge, i was impressed how clean yours was. I am not A boat builder may be the more learnered will tell us, but as far as i know these boats are made in three pieces two for the hull and then the cabin then they are joined together, many times i have dove on my boat and could feel the join in the keel now this is a guess they would have to finish off the floor of the bilge after being joined and as you have found it is not easy to get to maybe they used a stick hence the rough finish either way that part of the job is easy to fix with resin and glass, until you grind back that crack on the outside of your keel so we can all see what has happened we are all guessing, but i feel outside is the place to start

Re: Windchaser: bilge reno

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:55 am
by storm petrel
My Mk11 has a bilge that goes all the way down, like the Mk1. If mine is typical, then the extra ballast was not put there. I think formit just put more lead in the rest of the keel. I think you are on the right track Bill and the outside is the place to start. The joy of boat ownership!?!. Troppo did you have her surveyed before you bought her?

Storm Petrel