bearmcnally wrote:Hi Troppo,
. . . .In the fibreglass versions it was installed as a storage bulkhead ,anchor ,sails etc.Looking at your forepeak I don't think it any structural integrity at all ? I would be inclined to cut a couple of plywood nibs in ,and glass them onto the hull and then into the existing furniture,If the furniture is glassed in properly it should become a structural member if you are worried about hull flex ? . . .
Cheers Bear
MK 1's Beautiful
After looking at all my pics of the forepeak bulkhead, I think Bear might be right with his point of originally no structural integrity. While some of the original fibreglass liner has been cut away, nowhere does it look like it was reinforced and there are no reinforced areas on the hull to hang the liner on. For example, look at that bit like cardboard which was stuck onto the very thin fibreglass completing the end of the storage cupboard. That is paper-thin fibreglass sheet under that whereas if the area was meant to be a solid bulkhead I would expect to see evidence on both the hull and liner of having had good thick ply or fibreglass sheeting reinforcing the whole area. There is nothing there to indicate to me that at one time the bulkhead had more reinforcing than was given by the standard thickness of the fibreglass liner.
So, I could have left in the old flimsy scrappy repair job after all. Maybe I should push it back in place, hold it with duc tape and spray paint the area a nice white colour.
Okay, maybe I'll be a bit more creative and industrious.
Bear, I think I know what you mean by plywood nibs. I guess they are little bits of wood stuck on to the hull to provide some points to stick the furniture to [I know I am not using the right terminology but oh heck, I'm just learning]. I was thinking if I put in a big piece of ply (sealed with epoxy) I would first stick blocks in on the hull and ceiling so the ply would have something to be attached to. Would those blocks be called nibs?
I am not worried about hull flex as I am too inexperienced to get worried by things I don't understand. I do want to show respect for the boat and if extra strength should go in then I am happy to do it.