Installing electric anchor winch

Re: Installing electric anchor winch

Postby Troppo » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:06 am

Hi Rob, that certainly looks a biggie on the boat Johno's.

I think one reason why the hinges are holding is that I have the bolt at the back of the lid as shown in the pic below so the hinges should not be taking much load. While the hinges provide some support, I would not trust them alone to keep the lid in place. The other thing is that the lid sits in a recess so the edge of the anchor well is keeping the lid from moving too far. I think that so long as I keep the lid secured down then it will be fine.

And I always tie off when anchored on the cleat on the main body of the boat, not on the lid, since the biggest forces would happen when at anchor such as a big storm coming through.

winch lid bolt.jpg
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Re: Installing electric anchor winch

Postby steve » Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:17 pm

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your comments a few weeks ago about your Manson Supreme anchor. I bought one and have now adapted the anchor well to fit it. I minimised the size of the "extension" to the well to simplify construction and to minimise the weight of water that the well would hold if the drain became blocked. I have posted some photos in a new thread in the Maintenance section.

It was straightforward to make up the extension at home and fit it while the boat was on its mooring. I am not sure how easy you would find it to do where you are.

The bottom of the anchor well of my Mark 3 is 10mm thick sandwich panel. The meat in the sandwich is a white board which might be asbestos cement.


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