Bornfree, have you seen those little sump pumps for taking the oil out of the motor? Just stick the pump intake pipe down the oil dipstick hole and pump out into the sink or over the side. NAH, kidding, pump into an old bottle and drop off to a recycler. Only about 1.5 litres oil in a 1gm10 or similar so an old 2 litre softdrink bottle is ok.
I made the mistake of having the motor too hot and that did strange things to the plastic pump pipe. Warm to get the oil runny is fine.
With the oil filter, I tried the suggestion of putting a plastic bag around the oil filter when taking it off so it catches the leaking oil. Worked quite well. It helps having old rags handy to catch any drips and even to wrap around the sump pump after draining the sump.
After a couple of times doing the oil I didn't make much mess at all so it is worth trying things to make it less messy.