hello John (another nice four letter word)
Splash ,wash , companion (if your lonely
)call what you like ! They are normally in 2 peices so that if you take a wave over the back(stern / transom for you nautical minded
) the wave doesn't disappear down inside
)Gee I hate wet carpet.The only reason some have them in 3 pieces is for storage reasons. Under Offshore rules you must have an inspection port or simalar fitted to the top section of the boards so you can unscrew the inspection port and reach inside and release the boards to allow exit in case of an emergency .Regarding perspex companion boards don't be fooled they do crack and they do shatter
.And although they let in light ,
people like them because it's like window shopping. plywood is fine as it is strong Egret II has the tradional 2 piece fibreglass key hole type. At the end of the day unless you are super hero and are going to sail in 50 plus knots of wind and mountainous breaking seas on your week end sail why bother .If works why change it !
Another problem solved
Regards Bear