The Sydney boat show is on in Aug and i am thinking of taking advantage of the Whitworths Boat Show discount and buying antifoul paint in advance.
The first time I antifouled the Micron Extra (4l) was just enough, but the next time had to stretch it to cover the whole boat (same anti foul and still 4l).
I am keen to try Altex #5 as all the boat yards seem to use it. Does anyone know which has higher coverage rate (goes further) Micron Extra or Altec #5?
The Micron extra in 4 litres is cheaper, but the Altex in 10 l is a steal. So 2 options arise. First is buy 10 litres, but use the last 5 litre lot in say December 2016. What is the shelf life? Second alternative is to go 50:50 with someone else on 10 litres Altex at $469 less 15%, so we each get 5 litres for $200.
Thoughts anyone?
Cheers, John