What is this? can you asist?

What is this? can you asist?

Postby marktophat27 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:59 am

Hi All,

I recently became the guardian of a Top hat 27 "malacor" - based at Rushcutters Bay in Sydney.

In cleaning up the boat I came across a sealed area below the carpet in the main cabin floor. This compartment is filled with water and doesn't appear to be the bilge. When I manually run the bilge pump the water level doesn't go down....?

Please see photo attached...

Any assistance/ suggestions would be appreciated..


is this the bilge???
unidentifiedbilge.jpg (97.68 KiB) Viewed 2239 times
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Re: What is this? can you asist?

Postby Troppo » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:43 pm

Hi Mark, my Top Hat 25 has a water tank under half the cabin floor. The other half the cabin floor is a deep bilge. My guess is that you have the inspection hatch or filler cap off the water tank. Is there a deep bilge beside it? When I look into my bilge, I see a water hose coming out of the end of the bilge about half-way up and it is the pipe going from the bottom of the tank below the cabin floor to the pump on the sink. So if yours is a water tank you should be able to find somewhere where the hose from the sink pump goes into it.

The pic shows my bilge (with cabin floor that was over it ripped off) and the pipe from the water tank.
bilge.jpg (319.2 KiB) Viewed 2231 times


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Re: What is this? can you asist?

Postby Wild Rose » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:17 am

Hi Mark, Yep, You are looking at the water tank cap into bay #2 of the water tank.
Dave & Rosie
"Wild Rose" Mk II
Geelong Vic
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Re: What is this? can you asist?

Postby marktophat27 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:24 am

Great, thanks for your help.

happy sailing.

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