by Deepsouth42 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:00 pm
Hey Bear
Thanks for that
Speaking of bilge I thought I would give it a Deep Clean before refitting the engine.
I noticed water leaking in...
Put my foot down and pressed-thinking 'I would rather know now if i have a fatal flaw than one dark night with the family on board.
The 'floor' flexed and dark stinking oily bilge water concentrate oozed out...
Then I got stuck in to it and removed a bilge floor in ugly finger stabbing sections.
Below this was sand-oil soaked and pungent; so I scooped away. Removing several bucket loads and discovering the lead ingots deep in the bowels of the boat.
This has created a much bigger bilge than one needs-so I intend to concrete it back in to the original level with a large magnet set in at the point I can just reach my arm down to.(assuming that I will shower tools and other bits into this cavity shortly)
Why concrete?- similar ballast as the sand and much easier to form to limit the washer and nut stealing capacity of the the bilge monster.
Has anyone else looked below their bilge floor?
Mk1. Kettering
Deep South Australia