Quite some time back, I made the space under the sink more usable. One of the things I did was make a space for a 10 litre bottle of fresh water to slot in. A small 12v pump activated by a push button filled my cup or kettle. However, a problem developed so I have made a small but satisfying change.
The problem is the soft hose did not like sitting in a curve and eventually kinked in several places.
To solve the problem, I needed to take the curves out. On Ebay, I found the right sized food grade 90 degree elbows. Just above the cap of the water container, I used two elbows to make a 180 degree bend.
The next set of two elbows went in where the pipe hangs down before going up to the tap. The reason I have the pipe hanging down is because it gives plenty of length to pull out the water container without disconnecting the hose. The elbows allow the soft pipe to only have straight sections, no curve.
The fresh water to sink system is now working well again. The only hitch was that I did not use clamps on the elbows and a little water leaked from the ones where the pipe hangs down. There is little pressure so I had not thought it would leak. I was wrong. I used four zip ties around the bottom elbows and they sealed.