Recommended furler

Recommended furler

Postby Brouhaha » Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:35 pm

Hi all,

I'm looking into a furling system for a possible TH25 purchase and wanted to get an idea of what brands/designs people are using and cost. I should be able to install the system on the hard at the local yacht club, unless someone's done a furler whilst on a pontoon berth and can identify that as feasible. Ideally, I'd like a furler so I can increase or shorten sail with as wind picks up/decreases.

Cheers, Peter
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Re: Recommended furler

Postby Phillip » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:13 pm


Easiest to install is the Profurler C290, about $1200.
Just goes on top of all the fore stay gear. Other brands require the fore stay to be cut.

If you have a full Genoa about $500 to re-rig it for the furler or you are up for a new/secondhand sail.

This is on my refit list for next year. :D
A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Recommended furler

Postby Mike » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:29 pm

My boat came with a Reefurl, made in QLD. I think it's a great system.

The last owner took it around the world and it hasn't missed a beat.

I believe they're around $1300 delivered. You can get an instant quote on the website.

As the name suggests, they're built for reefing, so you can adjust according to wind strength.

They are simple, tough as nails, and require no maintainance. Probably a bit heavier than other light weight systems, but that's what makes them so strong. You will have to remove your forestay, but otherwise installation is straight forward.

Exceptional customer service- a couple of weeks ago I sent the manafacturer a photo asking if he could supply a small replacement part, and he instead sent me virtually a whole new system free of charge, despite the old one being older than their 20 year warranty!

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