Keel problem: I didn't drill any more holes but I worked out a way to do minor flushes. Simple by pushing the garden hose minus end fitting against the hole, water pressure was enough to force water in. I put in about two litres at at time, let drain, repeated it. I even squirted in some detergent several times then fresh-water flushed. Squirted some metho in and let drain. With all the flushing, the drips coming out would be much cleaner but after several hours, the liquid dripping out was back to the black resin-smelling muck.
I put a cloth plug in one evening and when I pulled it out next morning, it came out with a strong puff of air blowing drops of liquid around. I was happy about that as I now don't think the keel void is open to the atmosphere somewhere inside. I think the void is large enough that the initial fluid ran out quickly giving the impression that the void was open to atmosphere but it is not.
- My exploratory holes, only one goes all the way through. Who would think those hairline cracks would let water in the keel and seep goo out.
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Yesterday morning, with the keel hole having been oozing fluid for well over a week, I plugged the hole with a dowel. Since the oozing seemed almost stopped, I cleaned the area, drilled half-way through with a bigger drill bit and pushed in a piece of dowel soaked in epoxy. Even if the epoxy did not work, water pressure can't push the dowel up into the keel void as the bigger hole it fits in does not go all the way up. I hoped with the cleaning and cutting fresh fibreglass that the epoxy would set properly.
In the afternoon I discovered the epoxy had not set, a little of the ooze had come through. I scrubbed the area with detergent, wiped over with metho, ran a hair dryer on it for a quarter hour then gave a light sand and whacked on a big patch. I hoped that since the plug was in, that there would be less ooze. However when I was using the dryer, I noticed it was still weeping ever so slightly from the main drilled hole and a hairline crack. It amazed me how it could get through such a fine crack. The ongoing ooze was not making me confident of my repair.
To do the patch, I cut about a dozen pieces of fibreglass cloth to shape, small to big to fit the crater I had ground out. Using the lid off a take-away dish, I lay a piece of peel ply across it. This is the stuff that will not stick to epoxy and I was using it to hold the fibreglass cloth in place while the epoxy set. I stacked the pieces of fibreglass cloth on the peel ply on the lid and wetted them out with epoxy as I went. Then holding the patch up to the bottom of the keel, I pushed it in place and using masking tape got it to firmly stay there.
- patch under keel, epoxy setting, peel ply holding in place
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So far so good. I made the patch thicker than the original surface because it can always be ground back, but also I wanted the extra thickness because I was not sure a thin patch would handle any possible seepage of the sludge. The seepage seemed so minuscule that I thought it may not be a problem.
This morning, I pulled off the peel ply, gotta luv that stuff. Tidied up the rough edges using my grinder. Didn't bother grinding back to make perfectly level.
- The patch was excellent. Pity about the seepage!
- keel problem 6.jpg (283.36 KiB) Viewed 3665 times
I was very happy with the way the patch worked. Except for one detail Seepage of the problem fluid could be seen through the repair. However, it felt dry to my touch so I primed it. Later to my astonishment, I saw fluid was starting to seep through the primer. Oh, cuttlefish!!!
Tomorrow Windchaser goes back into the water. The problem is no worse now, maybe a little better with the patch, than when Windchaser came out of the water. Unfortunately, water will again seep very slowly into the voids inside the ballast area of the keel. If that little bit can seep out, being under the water, pressure will most certainly push some in over time.
A proper repair, which are the ones I prefer to do, would require Windchaser sitting on the hard for a month or two I reckon. It would involve drilling more holes, doing lots of flushing and giving a long long time to drain and dry. Then it would be ready for infilling with resin to strengthen it. As it is, the port wall of the keel is showing some signs of bulging out, the sidewall has been weakened. If I do nothing, I may still get many years of use before needing to do more repair. Certainly not a problem I envisaged when before I bought Windchaser since I read in the survey (which was a year old at that time) that the hull was sound. I guess little cracks like this are easy to overlook even if they have been there a long time.