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Wind Warning system by Maritime NSW.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:57 pm
by Dolphin
NSW Maritime have launched a trial system for wind warnings for NSW, a maritime alert.
The link is below.

1) Input your wind range that you want to be alerted to if the wind exceeds that range. ie fresh.
2) Define the area you are sailing in and the days of the week you usually sail.
3) Maritime will email you an alert after midday of the day preceeding the expected high winds.

THis is a trial for 12 months from 2nd Aug 2009.
It also gives tide times at Ft Denison and Sun rise and set times.
There are also links to other sites on the email.

Safe sailing, Greg.

Re: Wind Warning system by Maritime NSW.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:50 pm
by Miker
I've signed up for this service, and have recieved a couple of emails on my phone, which whilst not preventing me going out have warned me what to expect.

If more people sign up, it will become permanent I'd say. A good service.
