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SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:09 pm
by Phillip
I'm starting this topic now as I make final preparations to sail towards Lizard Island in Queensland.

The date of departure is the first weather window following the 25th May.

To start I'm posting on YouTube a few video clips as I get ready.

The first one can be found here:

For those interested you will see Shaun and me [in the last few seconds :lol: ]

For those who have followed my other voyages north I will be posting in as I go. [select "Where is" then "Currently Cruising"]

I will also be activating my Sailblog where you can also see previous voyages.

I will indicate here when I post at:

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:24 am
by Troppo
Excellent, Phillip! I'll be following with interest.

I watched the going-up-the mast video. Never climbed a mast myself. Climbed plenty of trees. Funny thing, watching the video, the higher Phillip climbed, the more tense I realised I was holding myself. Unconsciously I was thinking of footholds and handholds and effort needed to go up so high. NIce view from the top.

Phillip: I see you have a furling headsail ready for this trip up the coast. I'll be interested in hearing how you find it compares with your other trips and hanked headsails.

All the best for your trip.


Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 11:13 pm
by Phillip
Just a quick update.

I'm planning to leave the Camden Haven Inlet of Friday 24th May, weather permitting.
Shaun in Blue Moon is hoping to sail in company with me to the Gold Coast.

Also going north this year are at least 3 and maybe 4 other Top Hats departing from their home ports mid June.

Going to be crowded up there this year :D

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 1:35 pm
by Miker
Hope it all goes well Phil, and Shaun. I'm getting closer to going in the next couple of years, but haven't yet got the luxury of taking that much time out of work...... yet.

Looking forward to seeing your Blog updates.

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:24 pm
by Dolphin
That's good news Phil.
I'll be keen to follow your travels. Have a safe trip.

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2019 11:51 pm
by Phillip
Blog 23/05/2019
Seaka at her home mooring in Dunbogan in the Camden Haven Inlet.
IMG_5490.JPG (2.45 MiB) Viewed 4880 times

Well at lunch time today we [Seaka and I] were ready for our third trip north to Queensland, this time towards Lizard Island. At present we are on the LUSC wharf in the Camden Haven Inlet on the Mid North Coast of new South Wales.
But, while checking the boom bag this afternoon, I discovered that the cloth material in the main zipper had perished and was coming apart. A quick call to my neighbour Rohan, of Mid Coast Sails, resulted in a quick strip [the boom bag … not me] and a return home to get a new zip installed. My thanks to Rohan for the quick response in getting the repair done. Returning to Seaka [a half hour trip from home] saw the boom bag in place and zipped up around the main sail. I then realized that I had another three hours work to restore all the Jack lines back into place.
So I will go onboard tomorrow morning and move back to my mooring at Dunbogan to do the necessary work. I am now planning for a departure early Saturday morning with at least two other local yachts. This is an easy lost day as the boom bag is repaired, anywhere else and it would have been a real drama.
My last posts saw us returning from our voyages in 2015 and 2017. On returning I did a minor refit, the major part of which was fitting a new mainsail [see Cruising Helmsman, March 2017, ‘Seaka gets a new mainsail’] and a new furler and sail earlier this year. I also removed the motor and fitted a larger bilge pump. A new single level control to the motor and new engine control cables were installed. A new exhaust hose was fitted. The motor was reseated and yesterday I found that we had the alignment correct for the first time in a long while. I fitted a 35 litre frig in the forward dining seat position. Two new house 130 Amp Hour batteries, and a 110 Amp Hour motor starter battery along with a new 180 W solar panel. A completely new engine control panel was also made with a tachometer added. The seacock to the toilet was also replaced. I also completed the steps up the mast and refitted the navigation lights along with a new wind vane. A new am/fm radio was fitted. I also brought 30 metres of new chain and a 10kg Racna anchor. Various other items that had reached their use by dates were also replaced.
As I stated above we are sailing towards Lizard Island this year. I intend to do those places I’ve missed south of Bowen and then an intensive cruise north of there. I must be back home in the first week of November, this may lead to Seaka being ‘parked’ somewhere, possibly the Brisbane area, until late November before I sail her home.
At the moment the local seas are D*** flat with hardly any wind so I am anticipating that the first legs will involve a lot of motoring. The initial voyage plan is: Port Macquarie, Trial Bay, Coffs Harbour, Iluka, Goldcoast then Raby Bay. At Raby Bay I hope to take the previous owners of Seaka for a sail.

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 11:30 am
by Troppo
Exciting time, Phillip! Glad you got that boom bag sorted so quickly and before leaving port. Sounds like you have made lots of other upgrades since your last trip north. Gunna make a big difference to this trip I think.


Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2019 2:40 pm
by Phillip
As I said we just added another zip in which closes from the mast back.
Used it the first time off Port Macquarie and found that just using that short zip was enough to tame the mainsail.
I didn't close the other zip until anchored.

Will post a photo when we reach Coffs on Monday.

So we did an 18 miler today with only the suggestion of a westerly wind [maybe a bit north] 0700 to 1200 hours. Seas were dead flat.

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2019 9:45 pm
by Curryhouse
Wishing you fair winds and following seas. Have a safe and enjoyable voyage.
Cheers, Neil

Re: SEAKA goes north in 2019

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:48 pm
by Phillip
We have our second blog in place at :-

Don't forget to see the photos in the Gallery in Album dated "08 Jun 2019"

Raining now, hope its stop for tomorrow morning when we head off to Mooloolabah.