From: Tales435 11/14/2008
Recently had a chance to try out a sailplan which I have read about on several occasions, usually in stories of long offshore passages.
We were running downwind from Queenscliff to Brighton in Port Phillip Bay and goose winged with a full main and #3 poled out to windward.
I ran up a baggy old #2 on the spinnaker halyard, sheeted off to the spinnaker block.
The #2 filled nicely catching the wind lost from the front of the poled out jib.
Dropped the main entirely later as the wind got up to 20 knots. This was easily done by coming up into wind and 'heaving to' with the poled out jib backed. Easy to turn down wind again as the #2 was still pulling.
Didn't start to roll badly until nearly home with shallow water and corresponding seas.
Reckon it saved an hour or more on the journey!
Recommend Message 2 of 4 in Discussion
From: nswsailor Sent: 11/14/2008 1:59 AM
I also have thought about doing that. Is your spinnaker halyard wire or rope?
Recommend Message 3 of 4 in Discussion
From: TalesS435 Sent: 11/16/2008 1:03 PM
The spinaker halyard was on the boat when I bought is 5 years ago and was quite faded then. It looks like sheet rope, nothing special.
Recommend Message 4 of 4 in Discussion
From: nswsailor Sent: 11/16/2008 1:48 PM
Thanks Tom,
I have rope also, will look into that when the weather clears.