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Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip Bay

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:00 pm
by percyverhance
Have just spent 4 very relaxing days on Port Phillip Bay.Got some nice light weather sailing in,bumped in to several other Top Hatters and got a few boat jobs done.
Here are a few dodgey pics for those unfamiliar with the top end of PPB.

There was very little wind on Monday so I motored from St Kilda over to Williamstown to catch up with a couple of mates that had been out fishing.And to check out some boat porn at the Willy mooring area.Sea Shepherd has the Bob Barker and the Sam Simon moored here for some time.They are crewed by volunteers and there always seems to be work going on.I havent seen the Steve Irwin for quite awhile.

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:44 pm
by percyverhance
I headed up through the mooring area at Willy and bumped into John of Sombrero who was spending some time on his MK2.We made our acquaintance and had a valuable chat about Top Hats and stuff.I believe i also spotted Genda being towed in to start her make over project.

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:09 pm
by percyverhance
I was originally planning to head up to the Docklands for the night but as time was getting on decided instead to head back to St Kilda for a pizza with anchovies and lots of garlic on it.As it happened i bumped into Steve from Toodiloo who was doing some work on his MK3.We made loose arrangements to catch up the following day for a sail.I headed into St Kilda for a pizza with anchovies and lots of garlic on it. :D

Caught up with Steve the following morning and both set up a No.1 headsail. Conditions varied from dead calm to a very light breeze.It was pretty neat to sail with another Top Hat.

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:11 pm
by genda
Ahoy Mr Percyverhance
Martin of Genda at Willie, yes the make over is underway mast down windows out etc, I waved to Tails on the way to the slip if that was you Hi again.
I hope to be back in about a week subject to weather God and money.
Looking forward to hooking up with some Hatters over sommer for a sail
Cheers Martin

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:53 am
by percyverhance
Hi Martin.Yes that was me.Sounds like your getting a fair bit of work done.Would be interested to see the finished product.I see there is several other Top Hats in the Willy mooring grounds.Look forward to catching up.Cheers.Dave

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:52 pm
by genda
Hi Dave
Genda is back in the water, hope she's not sinking.
Did a lot of work on the old girl making planing for the next slip already. Bloody boats looking forward to having some fun on her.
I hope to be out on the bay Monday Tuesday for a sail if your about give me the heads up.
When they slipped Genda back in they used the same cradle to slip Kevins Wayward Lady out.
Cheers Martin

Re: Some dodgey pictures from the Paris end of Port Phillip

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:20 am
by percyverhance
Ha..harsh economic realities means i have to work this Mon and Thu Martin otherwise I would be there in a flash.I do have a week off from 12 sept which I plan to spend on the Bay.Should be able to catch up if you are around