stolen dinghy??

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stolen dinghy??

Postby Aaron » Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:24 pm

G'day guys,
We had our dinghy in yacht bay, in Lane Cove river and got stolen about 7 weeks ago.
The dinghy has a hight bow, fiberglass hull clinker style, white and red rubbing strip, a fibreglass patch's on the keel, cream inside with brown spots, grey condute in the port side on the stern which is smashed, out in on the transom, and 2 missing rollek holders.
If you guys have noiced a new dinghy appaear in your bay or have seen it floating please let me know or call 0488363337.
Its like a family member.
Dawn Breaker, Lane Cove River.
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Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 2:05 pm
Location: Sydney, Lane cove river

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