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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:07 am
by Shaun
I have bought some ropes(junk rigs 8-) require a lot of lines :o ) etc from this aussie business & have been very pleased with the price & quality.
The ropes are aussie made Donaghy's brand.
After the first purchase, I received a 10% discount coupon via email, off the already pretty good prices.
Items were delivered within 2 days.
No affiliation, just a happy customer.

Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:52 am
by lockie
Sounds good. Lines are something I would not buy cheap on eBay, as you never know when your safety will depend on that rode or sheet or halyard holding together.

Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:46 am
by Killick69
Hi Shaun, how are u doing? Only yesterday I measured up the main sheet on Night Cap (it needs replacing). How do those on line prices compare with Bias and Whitworths. Can anyone advise what rope is best for main sheet, which I measured at 9.5 metres. The block is Ronstan RF1373 and it looks like the rope currently on there is too thick, making locking more tricky. What does everyone else use??

Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:17 am
by storm petrel
I use 8mm spectra on Storm Petrel for halyards and 6mm spectra for the topping lift.

Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:42 am
by Tales
10mm Spectra main and jib halyards.

8mm spinnaker halyard and sheets.

12mm main sheet and jib sheets (easy on hands, especially when cold and wet and racing).

10mm traveller - main sheet.

6mm boom topping lift.

All double braid except main and jib halyards and no splices, just bowlines. Reverse halyards to spread wear/weathering.



Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:13 am
by Shaun
Hi John, good to hear you getting out on NC a bit.
I think the ropegalore prices are pretty good, cheaper than whitworths & imho better quality(i dont think WW dble braid polyester is Donaghys), but the problem with ropegalore is the minimum quantity(dble braid) is 25M.
As far as im aware the outer braid on dble braid is just to protect, the inner braid that does all the work, so even if outer is furry, its still structurally sound, but doesnt look as nice(or cleat as well).
Im guessing :? 6mm(1120kg breaking strain) would be strong enough for a mainsheet but obviously that wouldn't be comfortable on hands, 12 or maybe 14 sounds about right, I think Blue Moon's is 14mm.
I was told once that the jib sheets on NC would be easier to use if they were the next size up.

Re: Ropes

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:03 pm
by Miker
I had 14mm jib sheets, they were great to use, but continually fouled on the blocks and made smooth tacking difficult. I changed them to 10mm and they're lovely. Gabi has small hands anyway.... :mrgreen: and I wear gloves to protect my silky skin.

Main sheet is 12mm and new halyards when they go up will be 10mm spectra to replace the 12mm/steel halyards.

Not sure, but I thought I saw Nightcap out between Barrenjoey and Box last Sunday....
