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Wanted - Toe Rail Car !

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:10 pm
by Maggsy
Hi all,

Not sure if this is a common part on the Top Hat mark 3 as lots of bits on Sea Monkey seem to be fairly different. My jib comes round the shrouds and through a pulley which clips into a car on the Toe Rail. Obviously this does not allow me to bring the sheet in too tight, as it is outside the shrouds, but it works OK. I reckon it would be a good system for the spinnaker sheet, so I am thinking of fitting a track on the deck (which I have seen on other TopHats) and then use the toe rail system for the spinnaker.

This is where i come to a problem, I have only one car and the other one is missing. At present there is a d-shackle which is used, but makes adjustment a pain in the proverbial. I have asked around and checked out the second hand boat bits stores and no-one seems to have one.

Does anyone have one in their garage that they would like to sell to me? Or does anyone know where I can get one?

I have attached a photo for easy identification of the part - note the unusual side-plunger!!
Regards .... Maggsy
Toe Rail Cart.jpg
Toe Rail Cart.jpg (112.32 KiB) Viewed 1533 times

Re: Wanted - Toe Rail Car !

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:13 pm
by Dolphin
G'Day Maggsy,
You could try the Marine Exchange, they deal in all things old and odd. They're only online now, they used to be at Sylvania in Sydney.
Hope it helps, Greg.