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Two piece suit wanted - main and genoa

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:55 pm
by Lord Chunderguts
Hello chaps, I'm looking to buy some washing to hang off the clothesline. I've just bought a boat that hasn't been used in ten years, has huge holes in the Genoa, main will prob fall apart on first use, and both are covered in mud. Shall proudly raise both sails in front of Royal Motor Yacht Club but I'm sure they'll disintegrate. If anyone's got some knackered old sails lying about I'll give you a few quid for them, desperate to get sailing again asap. Cheers to all!

Re: Two piece suit wanted - main and genoa

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:02 am
by Lord Chunderguts
It's a roller furling whatsi on the bow, though I could probably modify a hank-on sail to fit if desperate.

Re: Two piece suit wanted - main and genoa

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2022 7:38 am
by Democritus
I wonder how you got-on with sails. The rigger I am using said 'if your sails are crook you will pretty readily find some good used ones'.
Looking at your 2020 search with no apparent ending....Hmmmmmmmm!..did you get some?