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Second hand Jib [or Genoa No3]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:41 pm
by Phillip
Evening All,

Just wondering if there is a hanked Jib or Genoa No3 out there that would like a new working home!

The size required is:

Foot 3505mm [11'6'']; Luff 6934mm [22'9"]; Leech 5359mm [17'7"] OR THERE ABOUTS!

I do have Genoas No 2 & 3 and a Yankee, but sometimes feel that I need a little bit more than the yankee but not as much as a Genoa No 2.

So, if anybody is willing to part with a jib please PM me so we can come to an amicable agreement.

I have to duck over to NZ next week but will be back in Sydney on Tuesday 23rd of this month.
I will be checking the site almost daily.

Re: Second hand Jib [or Genoa No3]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:29 am
by SeaLady
I have 2 hanked on jibs.
No idea of size or whatever, but they are smaller than my genoa which is set up on a furler so the 2 sails are just sitting in the shed.

They came with the boat.

I only ever use the jib on the furler and if it dies I will probably get another big genoa as it is easy to make the sail smaller or bigger with just me on board.

All that sail changing is farrrr too much like work and requires the champagne to be put down.

Re: Second hand Jib [or Genoa No3]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:24 pm
by Killick69
Hi Diana,
If there is a small jib going once Philip has checked out what is suitable, I would be interested. What i am after is a storm jib or a little larger.

Cheers, john

Re: Second hand Jib [or Genoa No3]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:11 pm
by SeaLady
The extra jib that is left is a number 2 I think so still pretty big.
I may keep it as a spare.
'Cos if it is gone my self furling genoa will self destruct.
Nothing is surer