Deck hatch replacement

Deck hatch replacement

Postby admin » Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:24 am

From: Karl010203 (Original Message) Sent: 25/12/2007 19:05
Hey All,

I am wondering if anyone has replaced their deck hatch with a perspex commercially available type... a lewmar or the like... I ma not sure it is an easy task given the contour of the existing hatch?

Any help greatly appreciated.




Recommend Message 2 of 9 in Discussion

From: SilverGull Sent: 01/01/2008 01:57
Have thought about it, but as you say its an curve shape. Also thinking of changing the wash boards to perspex, friend of mine has an S&S with perspex washboards and it lets lots of light in.

Recommend Message 3 of 9 in Discussion

From: Karl010203 Sent: 01/01/2008 14:39
Hi Denis,

I know I have seen a pic of a tophat where somebody had done this... they had set it up nicely for offshore with a liferaft on the cabin roof, a decent hatch and a lot of work had gone into it...

The perspex hatches look nice - especially the tinted ones...

Recommend Message 4 of 9 in Discussion

From: venno0 Sent: 02/01/2008 02:09
Hi Dennis,
A previous owner of my Mk3 "Papillon" had done a forhead hatch transplant. He removed the curved section and fibreglassed up the exposed curve. You would never know from the outside but noticable change from the inside. He replaced the hatch with a Bomar (I think that is the name) which sits flat on the cabin deck. Unfortunately the tolerances are a bit out and some water leaks are apparent as we discovered in a recent sleep over. The hatch is pretty well shot and I will replace it soon and touch up a little of the fibreglass work to my standards. If you are confident with your fibreglassing skills then it is not hard to do your own conversion. Mine also has a canvas canopy over the hatch to protect it from the weather when not in use.
Regards, Brian

Recommend Message 5 of 9 in Discussion

From: Karl010203 Sent: 02/01/2008 02:12
Hi Brian,

I would be interested in any photos of it as it is currently and also of when you make the changes... I think it is something worthwhile perserving with.

If possible massive thanks!



Recommend Message 6 of 9 in Discussion

From: venno0 Sent: 02/01/2008 02:35
Hi Karl,
Have just posted a pic on my venno0 site of the hatch as it is now.
Regards, Brian

Recommend Message 7 of 9 in Discussion

From: Karl010203 Sent: 02/01/2008 02:50
Thanks mate!


Recommend Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

From: wannabeace1 Sent: 02/01/2008 06:08

i did the boat your talking about. any questions i would be happy to answer

Recommend Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

From: Karl010203 Sent: 02/01/2008 17:32
Hey Wannabeace,

Your boat looks awesome and really well set up... it is one of the pics that inspired me that a tophat was the boat for us.

Did you have the curved hatch coming down onto nearly the foredeck and glass over this and cut the hatch higher? or did you simply never have the curved hatch at the front. The location of yours is a lot more preferable in my opinion.

I am really not sure which way to go. I don't like the current hatch and am considering either strengthening it, cutting a new one (but I am very concerned about the proximity to the mast base of any holes cut) or by adapting the current hole.

We also have a crazy ventilation system cut into the cabin roof... which is nice for a bit of a breeze on a day sail but hardly built with offshore conditions in mind. I think I will remove that and try to retro fit the same or glass over...

I would love to learn how you achieved what you have now... again it really does look very capable and nicely done.


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