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When to "Reef"

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:58 am
by admin
From: Karl010203 (Original Message) Sent: 23/09/2007 9:08 PM
Hi All,

Out of curiousity when do you start to reef the main? 25knts? I imagine given the keel size and weight you can leave reefing a fair bit later than for a similiar size, fin keel...

Any information greatly appreciated




Recommend Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

From: GosfordPhil3 Sent: 24/09/2007 5:31 AM
Hi Karl
I tend to reef my main a little early say 15kts++. I find this gives better helm balance with the furler headsail I have. I have also found that whilst the tophats have plenty of balast they are a narrow boat and they will slip sideways if over powered. I try to keep the heal of the yacht around 20 degrees to prevent sideways slip. The older the sails the bigger the bellies and the more sideways force. All I can suggest is to monitor the heal and adjust accordingly.