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Crossing Tacks!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:39 pm
by Gramps
I had the good fortune to cross tacks with Egret II and Felicite at the Lake Macquarie YC on Saturday. It was a very pleasant interruption to my work schedule on Azzura to hear the voices on deck and feel the boat list as Bear ambled along the side deck with Greg behind. Bear was soon joined by his two junior crew members, so it was a lively company. After some discussion about the relative merits of the Mark I and later Marks and comparisons of the interior layout of the original model, we adjourned to the deck of the clubhouse to continue the discussion (over coffee - thanks Greg!) on past sailing experiences, yacht designs in general, and - of course - the mistress of them all, the Top Hat. The time passed before we could exhaust every sailing subject and had to call a break for some to report in for lunch!
This was one of the most entertaining conversations I have had for yonks. A lot of guys in my age group only talk of ailments and the weather, so a morning with a couple of erudite yachties was really appreciated. As for Bear Junior,Tom is bright and lively with a headfull of sailing knowledge already and has all the hallmarkks of an Olympic sailor in the future.
Just keep your eye on him!

Re: Crossing Tacks!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:20 pm
by Killick69
Hi Sean, nice post. Glad to hear some hatters had some fun. That's what it is all about.

Cheers, john

Re: Crossing Tacks!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:58 am
by Gramps
Hi John,
Have you had a chance to try out that Mylar No. 1 headsail yet?