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Nanni 10HP diesel

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:43 am
by Shaun
From: barton_stuart (Original Message) Sent: 26/06/2006 11:20 PM
hello all
just wondering whether anyone had any experience with the gearbox in the nanni 10hp diesel? My Mark 2's motor will go into gear but with throttle applied, the boat simply doesnt go anywhere. Bizarrely, the tailshaft is turning. A marine mechanic told me it could simply be hull growth, but could a bit of growth prevent forward motion altogether?!
any suggestions greatly appreciated as i am dreading the cost of slipping and removing the motor for repair
Sea Swan, McCarr's Creek NSW


Recommend Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

From: TomT_007 Sent: 27/06/2006 3:03 AM
Hullo Stu,

Don't know if this will help. I have a Nanni 10.6 horsepower on my Mark 2. It began to slow down losing half its speed. I got my marine mechanic in, and he pointed out there was nothing wrong with the engine when I ran it in neutral.

Under load I was going no where. There were 2 problems going on at the time. The rudder was full of water (which I eventually completely replaced). Secondly, the growth on the hull. It needed a complete anti foul.

Sounds like you have received good advice. I would be hauling the girl out and giving her a good scrub, and hopefully there should be no more problems.

The Nanni is a good engine.

Tom Transfield


Recommend Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

From: longdeepthinker Sent: 27/06/2006 4:17 AM
Some points for you to think about.

When did you last slip, clean and antifoul the hull?

If the motor is running well and turning the shaft, it might be worth examing the propellor. Heavy growth on the prop. will certainly cause difficulties.
Perhaps you could snorkel around the boat for a look.

Check prop. for mechanical problems. Is it turning when the shaft turns?
Any sign of significant damage to prop.?

Check the simple things first. Pulling the motor out is the last option not the first.

Take it easy and let me know what you find.

Good luck,

John Maloney,
Camden Haven River.