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WANTED retired wood worker boat builder

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:10 am
by bornfreee
Nightingale over the next few years is going to need some alterations doing most of which is above my capabilities i will be based in Qld, what i am hoping for is some one retired who has the tools and know how to do wood work and would enjoy the work and also be paid for using all those fancy tools in the shed.
Here is some of the things that need doing making Bulwarks and fitting them, fitting Lewmar hatches to both the front hatch, and modifying the main sliding hatch area so that it to can have a lewmar hatch fitted, that will involve using ply to seal up the main entrance making it water tight then fitting another piece of ply with lewmar hatch sealed into it to replace the sliding hatch effectively making a very water tight and sea worthy entrance this link might help show you what i mean and also a very interesting site to read .
My second option is to find someone who is in business who can do this work with out the rip off factor i am prepared to travel to any were on the Qld coast you can send me an email or
phone 0432082937
Kind Regards William