From: geoff (Original Message) Sent: 16/06/2005 5:00 PM
hi force fed
You have touched on a much debated subject and will find
lots of differing opinions.
I am for all chain anchor rode !I have a genuine Bruce anchor and sixty
metres of 8mm short link chain{which suits anchor winch}as my primary then a
danforth and admiralty .I have been anchored in 48knots with boats of
similar displacement and windage {all with about 10-1 scope the only
difference was they had chain and rope} dragging around me whilst i held
.This and similar stories is why I go for the all chain set up.The idea
being that plenty of weight stays low thus the pull on the anchor stays
horizontal which digs anchor in rather than pulling it out.A very good
example of this theory is large ships.Look at the size of their anchors in
relation ship to their sheer size.{they depend on heavy chain and plenty of
The other important factor is what type of anchorages will you encounter
ie.bottom types for anchor suitability etc and the cost if you are setting
up your anchoring system.For example my anchoring set up would be overkill
and expensive if I was playing around in the bay in totally protected waters
etc. One last thing on weight ! I find that the bit of extra weight
{inevitable when cruising}gives the boat a much nicer motion in a
seaway,less of a hobbie horse affect. The secret is placement and not being
to heavy.
Recommend Message 2 of 2 in Discussion
From: Force_Fed17 Sent: 17/06/2005 12:25 AM
Hi Geoff,
Thanks for the comments. When I bought the Top Hat it had 15 metres of 6mm chain and about 30 metres of rope with a rusty shackle connecting them. I replaced the setup with 30 metres of 8mm chain and 30 metres of rope (this is the setup which came with my trailer sailer a Sonata 6). I am in protected waters at the moment with a mainly mud or sand bottom using a Plow (cqr) anchor, not sure on the weight of the anchor but it starts to get pretty heavy by the time i haul it up of the bottom by hand (no winch).
Thanks for the feedback.