Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:23 pm
I am a past Top Hat owner and am looking around for a Mark 1 as a more sensible replacement for my current boat which is has a dinghy type hull and rig and, these days, not so user friendly to sail. I came across a boatpoint ad for Saracen which is located at Mannering Point and am intrigued by the broker's description of the boat as having a bilge keel (does not stipulate twin bilge keels) I regarded this as a printer's error until I noted that the boat has a Yanmar with sail drive which I cannot visualise on the standard Top Hat unless the installer created a cut out in the keel. I am sure one of you Lake Macquarie guys are familiar with this boat. From the photographs it appears to be what I call a Mark 1.5, built when manufacture was taken over from Baker with the standard galley/head configuration, but a dinette fitted without the loss of the cockpit locker. The interior also looks like a refurbishment in progress which has come to a halt.
I intend having a look at the boat but would appreciate some clarification from someone familiar with the craft rather than the dealer's explanation.
Thanks for any assistance
I intend having a look at the boat but would appreciate some clarification from someone familiar with the craft rather than the dealer's explanation.
Thanks for any assistance