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Jib sheet blocks

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:01 pm
by Shaun
There is no jib sheet block track on Blue Moon, Ive got a couple of stand-up blocks that im going to attach to the deck.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the best place to attach the stand up blocks, this headsail will only be used in light winds, once the wind reaches a max of around 15kts the headsail will be brought down.
I understand to find the best spot for it you draw a theoretical line from the jib block...through the half way up the jib luff?...or through the Centre of Effort of the jib?, (a bit harder to work out??)....or where?

Re: Jib sheet blocks

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:55 pm
by bearmcnally
helllloo Shaun

I'll scan the deck layout plan over the weekend ,it might help ? It will give you the distance from the mast to the gunwale etc '. But how are you going to get the sail slot to work with a junk rig ? Because as you move the junk ! ? :? in or out won't that open or close the slot :? :? What you suggested is the way to go .

Cheers Bear

Re: Jib sheet blocks

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by bearmcnally
Hi Shaun

Had look at the plans don't think they will help there's no detail as such? I guess it will be trial and error

Regards Bear