Six knots, not to leave home without

Six knots, not to leave home without

Postby Shaun » Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:01 pm

Whats ya favourite knot?

Mines a clove hitch (thanks for asking :) ),.... easy to tie one handed, at the end of a line or in the middle, strong, doesnt weaken the rope too much. I use this knot (ive called hitches, bends etc knots for argument sake) many times a day, the only negative ive found with it is....on silver rope, around a smooth post(such as a SS staunchion) it will slip & needs to be backed up with a stopper knot.

My 6 are:
Clove Hitch
Round turn & 2 half hitches
Truckies hitch
Figure 8
Rolling hitch

Honorable mention to:
Prusik knot
Stopper knot
Sheet bend
Constrictor knot

This one is handy:
Alpine butterfly

Anyone found any problems with the above knots?
Any other knots worth adding to the repertoire?

Knot Nerd :geek:
Camden Haven River,
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Re: Six knots, not to leave home without

Postby Miker » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:11 am

Wow Shaun, you are a knot knerd! I've actually not had a lot of chance to learn good knots, although I do use some I learned in scouts and the famous truckers hitch that I used when I had me truck mate....

The animated site is great! I'm still working on the sailors eye splice myself.... can do it, but it's not pretty....

Michael :mrgreen:
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Re: Six knots, not to leave home without

Postby Dolphin » Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:29 pm

G'Day Shaun,
"Knot nerd 1" to "Knot nerd 2".
I like the square lashing for tying masts onto the roof racks of the car. You can get that Cheap (I mean REALLY cheap) 6mm rope from Bunnings, 30m for $5.95. You can't tie much of a knot in it because its too soft but for lashings it works great because its so stretchy it doesn't move. In the 10mm stuff from bunnings a truckies hitch will up set and all other knots lock up and jam, so don't use it.
With the Bowline you must be careful to leave a long enough working end, the end you are playing with. The Bowline has a tendency to loosen up if not under load and it can come undone if the working end is not long enough. You can tie it or tape it to the loop if you are worried. Also If you are using the rabbit comes out of the hole routine the working end must finish up inside the loop or it will come undone.
I like the fishermans knot for tying two lines together (a bend) Its neat and easy to tie. That is the one that is two overhand knots on either standing part.
A reef knot is good for tying up stuff, even for reefing sails! It is easy and fast to untie. Just push the knot together and then open up the standing end and working end and grab the knot in your hand and slide the rope out. The reef knot looses about 60% of the strength of the rope. (Sorry line. It's rope only when its onthe drum).
I used to practice in front of the telly. You need to practice to get it right and its easy.
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