Does anyone know what this is?

Does anyone know what this is?

Postby Maggsy » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:07 pm

The following photos show an unidentified transducer (?) which I found under a fixed panel at what seems to be the leading edge of the ballast/keel section. My initial thought was that it is an old speed log, but until I get the boat out of the water and check the outside, I daren't unscrew it as I do not know where it goes!! Does anyone recognise it? I also followed the cable and found it cut coming out of a bulkhead. the photo is not very clear, but it looks like a 2 wire cable which has shielding!!

Regards ... Maggsy (Top Hat Mark 3 - Sea Monkey)

Boat bits 001comp.jpg
Unknown transducer?
Boat bits 001comp.jpg (113.01 KiB) Viewed 2709 times

Boat bits 003comp.jpg
Dodgy cut off wiring!!
Boat bits 003comp.jpg (91.11 KiB) Viewed 2709 times
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Postby Phillip » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:28 pm

Hi Maggsy,

I had a speed log etc in my Mk1under the sink. Found there was a 3" hole when we removed it.
I had a firberglass plug made up which was glassed in. I now feel a lot happier with that potential source of sinking plugged up.

Tranducers for sounders need only be set in a resin of any type to work in a glass boat, the trick is in the positioning, so the beam has a clear path, and that you get no air bubbles in the resin in which you set the tranducer. You sort of have to roll the tranducer onto the resin to ensure there are no bubbles.

Speed of course comes from your GPS.

A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Postby Maggsy » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:22 am

I have a separate in-hull transducer for depth, and 3 GPS units on board (if you count my Iphone, with Navionics).

Yes, I have enough gismos to give me SOG but I would rather be able to do my navigation the old -school way when needed and so I would like to have access to a speed log. I will be checking this unidentified equipment when I get chance, I just thought I would "ask the audience" first.


Ian - Sea Monkey
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