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Orque. Carvel TopHat from '74

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:02 pm
by Cptribbs
Dear members,

I have recently purchased "Orque." A 1974 TopHat. Carvel planked, Mahogany on Oak. It states TopHat and Illingworth on the registry papers. I am currently researching the history of this great little yacht and would be very keen to hear if anyone has any information on the TopHat that was sailed to Australia in the early 60s, from which a mould was taken. Reference to the information on this site under TopHat 25 overview.

I am waiting on a historic transcript from the Small Ships Registration Office, which I hope will have a wealth of information. So far I know she was built by a man called Percy Lipsett and, more than likely, in a yard here in Devon called Dixons of Exmouth. I say more than likely because the writing on the registration is very hard to make out. I will resume my search into this on Monday.

Percy Lipsett was from the same area in England as Cpt John Illingworth. That she was made some years into the success of TopHats in your beautiful country makes me think/hope that she was made to the original design that sailed to Australia. Through some involvement in the making of the originals in the 50s, maybe Mr Lipsett later built one for himself, the design having proved it's worth from the voyage to Australia.

Any information; name, yard, year of construction, person/people who sailed her there. Anything will be helpful.

My plan with Orque is to strip her completely, top to bottom and bow to stern to get a proper idea of what needs to be done. She has been neglected since 2004 and has such split most of the joins in the superstrtructure. The hull, on the other and more important hand is as close to sound as can be after more than eighteen months dry. I have yet to see if oakum or cotton lies between the planks, but from the one day of inspection I had it seems to be just a raking and replacing of the putty that is in order before she can splash. We shall see.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may have information that helps me in my search. I will keep this sight informed of any findings of course.

Bill Hitchins.

Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from 74'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:40 pm
by bearmcnally
Hi Bill

Wow !! Please post some photo's I have a set of plans I'm going to photo copy for Phillip shortly if I can be any help in this area please let me know.



Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from 74'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:49 pm
by karl010203
G'day Bill,

I am sure I am not alone in wanting dearly to see a Photo or two of "Orque"

Please do keep us posted on what you work out


Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from 74'

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:52 pm
by Phillip
Evening Bill,

Your research sounds good for the English connection and it is something that I have found difficult to do from Australia. We do need more information on the designers, especially photographs of them with Top Hats and how many were built and surviving today.

It is a myth that an English Top Hat was sailed out to Australia for the mould to be taken off. Australia was producing Top Hats in Melbourne, mid 60's, at Mouldcraft where Geoff Baker learnt to build timber boats under the guidance of Rob Legg. I am sure that Geoff Baker built his own male mould when he went to Sydney, he certainly knew how. By 1974, Australia had moved onto the Mark 2 production with only the hull being the same.

We must also check the drawings we do have as Rob Legg said that Illingworth did do hand drawn corrections/alterations to the drawings he used to produce the first production Top Hats in Australia. Mind you, the Top Hats that were carvel built (homebuilt) in Australia (about 6) would have been the same as the English built ones as their plans would have come from England. Incidentally, those laminated Top Hats built in England were cold moulded whereas Mouldcraft in Australia used a hot moulding process. I think about 6 or 7 of them still survive today.

I look forward to any info you can get from the English connection.


Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from 74'

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:35 am
by Cptribbs
Thank you for the prompt and informative reply.

I had often wondered how such a voyage, in the times of Sir Farncis Chichster and Major Adrian Hayter, had escaped any media coverage. So thanks for clearing that up.

I'll be calling the Junior Offshore Group on Monday to see if they may be able to shed some light on the beginnings of the TopHat in England.

As she was in 2004
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She's a beaut'
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Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from '74

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:00 am
by Shaun
G'day Bill,
I look forward to reading about your restoration of "Orque".

a few more photos here, mainly of the hull(not much, if anything was changed): ... .php?cat=1

you probably already have this info: ... -12070720/

Not much more info here, but some good photos of her gorgeous interior!:

Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from '74

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:51 pm
by Cptribbs
Dear members,

Since last writing, a lot has transpired in the progress of Orque. Chiefly, the contact established with the family of the builder and the information consequently received. I have photocopies of the correspondence between Mr Lipsett, the builder, and a Mr John Sharp of 'John Illingworth & Associates', regarding the purchase and finer details of the drawings. The opening sentence is:-

"Thank you for your letter of the 31st July (1967) enquiring about our successful J.O.G. design Top Hat."

We have been very busy in getting the hull repaired to get her in the water as soon as possible. This has been done and we have sailed her a few hundred miles along the East and South coasts of England, towards Portsmouth where she will remain in the water for the winter, covered. A full restoration will start at the end of summer 2011, once we have enjoyed a summer sailing her.

I have not found how many of these original designs still exist but will endeavour to do so.

She is patched and re-caulked where necessary, to prevent any further damage or decay. Please find attached a couple of photos showing her wetted surface, as a comparison to the altered design of the more modern version made popular in Australia.
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Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from '74

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:56 am
by Guz64
I own one of the few wooden Top Hat mk 0.
I would be very pleased to get in touch with other owners of this beautiful boat still sailing.
I'll leave you my email if you'd like to send me your contact details. A sincere greeting
Guido Galimberti
tel : 0039 335 7477155

Re: Orque. Carvel TopHat from '74

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:00 am
by Guz64
Here a picture of my TOPo Gigio