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Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:39 pm
by karl010203
Hey All

Happy New Year!

I am replacing the lines on my mooring at the moment and need some advice.

I am trying to do it on the cheap and use some old anchor line... problem being the line is hard and nearly wooden. (ie that hard can't splice and struggle to tie a decent knot.)

In a bid to try and soften it... it has gone through about 6 cycles in the toploader - things you can do when home alone - come with hot cycles, long soaks, fabric soften -- all sorts of options... still hard.

I have tried hose and detergent - no value and am currently boiling a small section - although that is a logistical nightmare if it does work given it is about 30 metres.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated - otherwise a $90 trip to whitworths coming up.

I wouldn't bother if the rope wasnt in good nick but has simply gone hard sitting for years in the anchor well unused / possibly wet?

Should I give up? If nothing else an interesting exercise.


Re: Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:19 pm
by storm petrel
I suppose you have already tried soaking overnight in fabric softener before a run in the toploader(works on my sheets).

Re: Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:40 pm
by karl010203
Thanks Mark - I did leave it overnight in hot water and fabric softener with no joy.

I think I need to just accept it is past it's use by date.


Re: Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:16 pm
by Miker
Karl, with respect, one would wonder the value of trying to save $90 in the face of actually having your pride and joy set adrift by a rope that's no longer up to it?

I'd spend it, if I were you.....


Re: Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:24 am
by tonyb
If your after silver rope for the mooring I am sure Bunnings will be a lot cheaper. Ebay also has cheap rope online.


White Rabbit

Re: Old Rope - Gone Hard

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:53 pm
by karl010203
Thanks all - yeah replaced it with 16 mm Nylon rope a couple of days back...

I thought there may have been a solution but there wasn't which is a shame because it is basically unused and looks new - just stiff... anyways all the new lines in place and doing the trick... I have revived old sheets before using the same trick so was hoping for more of the same...

Interestingly I had to cut the old lines off, as shackles had frozen, the silver rope cut very easily with a serrated blade and the nylon took forever and I found it easier to undo the splices! Great rope... also given the stretch-ability of nylon was the clear choice for the mooring...

Thanks all...