Following on from the discussions about the sailaway, just one other thing on social matters.
The cruising group at RMYC Port Hacking have a general call to all boats in the group. Matthew Flinders had a cat named Trim. If any one of the group wants to get in contact with anyone else in whatever port, or just to find out who is about, they call up on Ch 16 VHF.
An example of the call is;
"Trim Trim Trim this is Felicite Felicite Felicite on Ch16".
If someone wants to meet or contact them a reply goes like;
"Felicite this is Wind Warrior would you like to go to Ch 73?"
So they can then pass information on or meet up or whatever. You are under no obligation to return a reply. At least you know there is someone around.
Could I suggest then that we use "Formit" as a callsign, or something else we agree upon, as a callsign?
So say for the weekend of the 31st Oct if you sailed into Broken Bay, or any other port on thursday you could call up on Ch 16;
"Formit Formit Formit this is Felicite on Ch 16, over". etc.
What do you think?
Lake Macquarie